Uintra on Azure Installation Guide
1. Introduction
These instructions will get you an Uintra copy which can be run on the Microsoft Azure platform for investigating, development and testing purposes. The installation time depends on the technical expertise of the administrator, who has the right to install the software. The Average installation time is 60 minutes.
2. Pre-Installation Requirements
The following prerequisites and requirements must be satisfied in order for the Uintra to install successfully
The installer program runs checks for the software prerequisites, and if any prerequisites are missing, it lists the missing items and requests that they are installed. The installation will not proceed until all prerequisites are installed.
- Please make sure that you have at least the MS NET Framework .NET 4.7.1. The latest version you can find in here.
- Install IIS with advanced settings: (Windows 8 or 10):
2.1: To install it, press the Windows + R key combination to bring up a run box, then type appwiz.cpl and press enter.
2.2: This will open the Program and Features part of Control Panel, on the left — hand side click on the “Turn Windows features on or off” link.
2.3: Now click on the Internet Information Services check box, and click on all points just like its showing on the screenshot.
2.4: After clicking OK, this dialog will appear on your screen for a while.
2.5: When it`s done, fire up your browser and navigate to localhost.
2.6: Set up Visual Studio 2017 (update 15.8.8 or later). You can download it here.
You have to choose an “ASP.net and web development” on the “Workloads” tab in the installation process.
Then fill in checkboxes “.NET Framework 4.7.1 SDK”, “.NET Framework 4.7 .1 targeting pack” on the Individual components tab and push “Modify” button:
3. Microsoft Azure configuration
3.1: Login to your Microsoft Azure account by using the following link:
3.2: Сlick on the “All resources” on the left sidebar:
3.3: Click the “+” sign named “Add” then choose “Web App” :
3.4: To create a web application, please fill in all the below specifications and click “Create:
- App name;
- Subscription;
- Resource group (new one or existing);
- OS (Windows or Linux);
- App Service plan/Location;
- Application Insights (Disabled/Enabled).
3.5: Click the “+” sign named “Add” then choose “SQL Database”:
3.6: To create a database, please fill in all the below specifications:
- Subscription;
- Resource group;
- Database name;
- Server (if exist; if not, create a new one);
- Want to use SQL elastic pool (Press “No”);
- Compute + storage (depends on your purchased option).
3.7: Check “All resources” button again. There you shall see an existing database and web application that has just created:
4. Installing Uintra
Please follow the following instruction that will allow you to run Uintra on Azure:
4.1: Create a new project in Microsoft Visual Studio 2017
4.2: Choose “WEB” -> “ASP.NET Web Application(.NET Framework)”. Then choose “NET Framework 4.7.1” and add “Name”, “Location” (data storage on the local machine), “Solution name”:
4.3: Choose the “Empty” template and press "OK":
4.4: Right click on the new project in the "Solution explorer" block then click on "Manage NuGet Packages"
4.5: Press "Browse” and search for "Uintra"
4.6: Install the latest package version:
4.7 Press "OK", "Accept" and “Yes to all” on the further popups accepting proposals.
4.8: You should receive a message about 0 errors/warnings
4.9: For setup and make Search as working, you need to install elastic search (please use this guide installation of ElasticSearch : https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/5.2/setup.html - be sure that Your installed version is 5.2.1). And change elasticConfiguration in Web.config file of Your installed project.
4.10: Set “None” for Build Action in App_Plugins/Navigation/Web.config and for Build Action in App_Plugins/Web.config:
4.11: Open created Database in Azure and choose option “Connection strings:
4.12: Copy Server address to the clipboard:
4.13: Paste it to the same string on “Web.config” in Visual Studio:
<remove name="umbracoDbDSN" />
<add name="umbracoDbDSN" connectionString="Server=tcp:yourdatabase.database.windows.net,1433;Initial Catalog=UintraDB;Persist Security Info=False;User ID={UserID};Password={Password};MultipleActiveResultSets=False;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=False;Connection Timeout=30;" />
<!-- Important: If you're upgrading Umbraco, do not clear the connection string / provider name during your web.config merge. -->
Note: do not forget to add correct values to UserID and Password, which are taken from your Azure Server).
4.13: At the end of this copied row — add "System.Data.SqlClient" to providerName: providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"
Save all changes.
4.14: Right click on your Project and push the “Publish” button:
4.15: Pick a publish target by going to “App Service” and click on “Select Existing” then push “Create profile” button:
4.16: Choose Your Project created on Azure and click “OK” button.
Note: Account in Visual Studio and Azure should be the same:
4.17: Click on the “Publish” button in opened Window:
4.18: You should receive a successful message about installation:
5. Uintra configuration with Azure
5.1: Navigate to Azure portal and open “Web.config” for adding few configurations:
5.2: Set customErrors mode="Off":
5.3: Set fcnMode="Disabled"
5.4: Clear data from “connectionString” and “ProviderName”:
5.5: In “Forms” block set name="UintraCookie" and add domain= "appname.azurewebsites.net", where “appname” - Your Azure application name (p. 3.4)
5.6: Then open “All resources” and open Your project in a new browser tab:
You’ll be redirected to the “Install Umbraco” page.
6. Umbarco installation
6.1: Fill all fields below and push the “Customize” button:
6.2: Choose “Custom connection string” Database type, then copy connection string from Azure, which you can find at 4.10 — 4.11 steps and press continue button:
6.3: Ignore proposal by pressing “No thanks, I do not want to install a starter website” and wait while Umbraco is installed:
6.4: At the end of installing you should see the message below:
7. Uintra signing in
Now you can open a new site based on Uintra., there you should fill in credentials:
- Login: admin
- Password: qwerty1234
Note: Do not forget to change the credentials later.
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